Our global partners help us share God’s love in the world.

We invite you to get to know our global partners! These organizations broaden our vision of outreach and provide opportunities for us to make a difference in the world.

Each of our partners has a First Pres liaison who would love to share with you more about what their organization is doing and how you can get involved.

For more information, contact Beth Thomsen at betht@deltabaychurch.org.

Opportunity International

First Pres liaison: Kathy Drake
Learn more: opportunity.org

Opportunity International works to end extreme poverty through small business loan programs and education. They have worked in developing countries for over 50 years, empowering millions of small business owners, farmers, educators, and families.

Congo Initiative

First Pres liaison: Leah Tang
Learn more: congoinitiative.org

Congo Initiative works toward a flourishing Democratic Republic of Congo, educating Christ-centered Congolese leaders and developing grassroots initiatives for peace, justice, sustainability, and hope. They make education a crucial priority for securing the future of the next generation, particularly for girls and women.

Duta Wacana Christian University

First Pres liaison: Tom Elson
Learn more: www.ukdw.ac.id

Duta Wacana attracts and supports pastors and leaders who are committed to serving God and the people of Indonesia in a time of rapid social change. Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta teaches in the social entrepreneurship program and works with the Center for Development and Social Transformation in the Faculty of Business. She is the founder and director of the House of Authentic Sense, a community-based cooperative comprised of village entrepreneurs.

Langham Partnership

First Pres liaison: Doug Chin
Learn more: us.langham.org

Langham Partnership is an interdenominational organization that works to strengthen the global church by coming alongside national leaders and seminaries and nurturing indigenous preaching movements. It provides books, resources, and financial support to pastors and scholars from the majority world so that they can lead and train others in their home countries.

Near East School of Theology

Contact: Dr. George Sabra, telephone +9 61 1 738639 or +961 1 329901
First Pres liaison: Mae Chan
Learn more: theonest.edu.lb

The Near East School of Theology (NEST) is an interconfessional Protestant seminary trains pastors and leaders for ministry in churches and other Christian organizations in the Middle East. Located in Beirut, Lebanon, the school was built on a history of evangelical theological education that goes back to 1835.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

First Pres liaison: Tom Elson

Since 1948, First Pres has supported Nadine Burns and her late husband, Don, during their time serving with Wycliffe Bible translators in South America. The Burnses worked to open doors to education and literacy for people in remote areas of Peru. They also consulted with the governments of Ecuador and Bolivia on Quechua bilingual education programs in order to share the gospel in those countries.

Free Burma Rangers

To volunteer: freeburmarangers.org/get-involved/volunteer
Contact: info@freeburmarangers.org
First Pres liaison: Kathy Dwyer

Under the leadership of Dave and Karen Eubanks and their family, Free Burma Rangers works in the conflict-ridden areas of Burma, Kurdistan, Iraq, and Syria. The organization trains medics to provide care in war-torn areas, and the “Good Life Club” helps children affected by violence. Most of all, Free Burma Rangers points people to Jesus and shares the love that he gives. Volunteers assist primarily in logistical areas, such as managing finances and training counselors for the Good Life Club. freeburmarangers.org

Oasis Africa Counseling Center

Contact: Dr. Gladys Mwiti, founder
First Pres liaison: Leah Tang

Oasis Africa Counseling Center provides psychological support to vulnerable groups in Kenya and beyond. Programs address issues including financial management, continuing education, legal advocacy, self care, and more, all in an effort to break the cycle of poverty and exploitation. As part of its community outreach, Oasis Africa opened the Mashaka Children’s Center in 2007 to provide care, counseling, food, and education to 200 orphans and vulnerable children in Mashaka, a rural slum in the Meru district. oasisafrica.org.au

Together for the Family

Contact: Beth Thomsen, Director of Outreach
First Pres liaison: Doug Chin

Together for the Family was created in 2010 by Izdihar and Riad Kassis, local Christian leaders who wanted to support Christian school children and Syrian refugees in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon. The outbreak of the Syrian war in 2011 galvanized Together for the Family toward a new mission to support the thousands of refugees pouring across the border into the valley. One example is Project Breakfast, a program that feeds and nurtures special education children of Syrian refugees. Theses children are often not accepted at schools because of the extra care they require.

International Justice Mission

Contact: Steve Meyers
First Pres liaison: Christina Davis

An estimated 40 million people globally are subject to some form of slavery. A disproportionate percentage of the victims are women and minors. In 17 communities throughout the developing world, International Justice Mission protects the poor and vulnerable from human trafficking and other violence by partnering with local authorities to rescue victims. Its work encompasses three steps: saving and restoring survivors, bringing criminals to justice, and strengthening justice systems. ijm.org

New Life Center Foundation

First Pres liaison: Kathy Dwyer

The New Life Center Foundation works with young, ethnic minority women throughout the Mekong region (Thailand, Burma, China, and Laos) who are at risk for, or victims of, forced labor, sexual abuse, domestic violence, neglect, and human trafficking. The foundation provides comprehensive residential aftercare for survivors, which includes counseling, individual and group therapy, education, vocational and business training, craft and income generation, and housing. newcenterlifefoundation.org