If there’s one thing the world needs more of, it’s grace. If there’s one thing Jesus offers us time and time again, it’s grace. After all, grace is getting what we need, not what we deserve.

As followers of Christ, we are shaped and transformed by God’s unconditional love, forgiveness, and hope. And yet, with whatever grace we receive, we are called to share it.

This fall, we invite you to consider all the ways you receive grace in your life and through this community. But don’t stop there—think about how God is calling you to extend that grace to others. Where do you see a need you can meet? What has God given you enough of that you can share it with those who have less? How can you participate in God’s ecosystem of grace in big ways and small?

Our 2024 Stewardship Campaign goal is $2.6 million (70% of our General Fund giving target). Your pledge enables us to plan faithfully and responsibly in the year to come.

Participation matters—if you give regularly to the church, would you commit to an annual pledge? If you’re an occasional giver, would you consider making a financial commitment? If you pledge regularly, please consider increasing your support. Let’s all be a part of what God is doing at and through First Pres.

Ways to Pledge

Pledge in person on Commitment Sunday, October 29
Pledge online
By mail: Download a pledge card
By phone: Call Kristen Engle, Finance Coordinator, at (510) 280-6138


Sue Burger
Executive Director for Operations