We have been ministering to college students and young adults for more than 140 years.

First Pres has long been blessed with a vibrant community of undergraduates, grad students, and young adults. The church was founded in 1878 to minister to the growing community at the University of California, but our university population comes from local campuses such as Mills College, Berkeley City College, and Diablo Valley College. Our young adults and recent graduates hail from around the world. Wherever you are from, we welcome you!


On Wednesday evenings during the academic year, the Fellowship of College and University Students (FoCUS) offers intentional community, life-giving worship, and thoughtful conversations on issues that matter to students. We strongly believe that the love of God through Christ is expressed best through radical inclusion and actively seek to include LGBTQIA+ students and students of color. FoCUS is an approved RSO via CalLink.

Graduate Students & Young Adults

First Pres is a home for grad students and young adults as they seek to integrate their professional work and fields of study with their Christian faith. Join this engaged group of young adults in exploring faith and community through worship, study, service, and meals together. This stage in life is unique with challenges, questions, and unparalleled experiences and joys; come walk the journey with us!

2:42 House

Located on the First Pres campus, the 2:42 House is a place where undergraduate students live in intentional Christian community. We are rooted in the words of Acts 2:42: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Some of the key values of the 2:42 House are being open and affirming to LGBTQ students, being proactive about racial justice, and learning to serve generously all who have need. Our hope is that students complete their education with a redefined and reinvigorated view of Christian vocation that will shape their lives.


University Ministry Events
FoCUS on Facebook
We’re @focus.242 on Instagram


Kathy Timpte
Director of University & Young Adult