Common Ground

Let’s be honest. We have questions. Lots of them. Many of us find our way to church because we’ve exhausted our own answers. Ironically, church can feel like the last place we can ask these questions since everyone else seems to be in the know. Join us in creating Common Ground where those of us new or returning to church can ask, explore, wrestle with, and ponder those questions that brought us here to begin with. Each week we’ll share our wonderings and wanderings together, discovering, if not easy answers, fellow journeyers in this Common Ground.

Category: Adults
Short Description: Join us in creating Common Ground where those of us new or returning to church can ask, explore, wrestle with, and ponder those questions that brought us here to begin with.
Day: Sundays
Start to End Date: April 23–May 21
Time: 9–10:15 am
Location: Geneva Hall, Room G207
Facilitator: Bob Goss, Daly Jordan Koch, Rev. Michelle Vecchio-Lyzenga, Mindy Creson